For a successful detox 6 pearls are recommended to start with before using 2-3 pearls a month as a preventive measure. Instructions come with every order.

NONE of these products are FDA Approved, therefore I have to advise you to research and use at your own discretion. 

This item isn't recommend for use by anyone pregnant/breastfeeding or has a IUD. If purchased use at your own risk and No Refunds. 

Suitable for people that have:

1. Abnormal vaginal discharge, vaginal itching, Irregular menstruation, menstrual pain, etc.

2. Endometriosis, cervical erosion, annex inflammation, vaginitis, pelvic inflammatory, yeast infection and other kinds of gynaecological diseases.

3. Ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids and other uterus disease.

Additional information 

Some itching may occur during your detox. It is normal ! That means the pearls are working properly. Symptoms will pass quickly. Let your purging happen naturally. The purge process can take up to 5 days. Do not stick fingers and pull out discharge. Let the toxins come out on their own! Douching is not recommended. 

Detox pearls help provide vaginal tightening and less vaginal dryness they also prevent Bacterial Vaginosis.